Product information

Challah cover

Below you will find detailed information about the Challah cover that I offer. All the products I make are unique and the pictures below are only examples of what each design may look like.

To order: Choose product and desired colour/colour combinations. 

Please note! All designs are unique in their patchwork and decorations.  

Please note! All products are unique in their patchwork and decorations.

Challah cover

  • Unique Challah cover (used to cover the loaves before the blessing on Shabbat and Jewish holidays)
  • Made to order
  • Embroidery in the centre with text in Hebrew: Shabbat ve Yom Tov (approximately: for Shabbat and holidays)
  • Around the embroidery, panels of plant-coloured fabric made from Israeli eucalyptus leaves are sewn on and the leaves are embroidered with sashiko stitches. While stocks last, these handmade fabrics are used. Otherwise, we agree on which ones to use
  • Back in plain coloured linen fabric
  • Carefully washed by hand
  • The challah cover is approx. 40 x 50 cm but can be made in other sizes if desired

1200 kr

To order: Choose product and desired colour/colour combinations.